To save you time, we ask that you always call first before coming for an office visit. When you call, please let us know whether you need a sick or well-child appointment. For sick visits, please call as early in the day as you can. For well-child visits, please call 2 weeks or more before the date you need. By arriving early, you are helping us get your child checked in and seen on time.
Please bring a copy of your child’s insurance card, their immunization records, and any previous medical records.
Please bring your child’s insurance card with you to all visits. Our front desk staff will verify your insurance eligibility and benefits. One of our pediatricians needs to be listed as a primary care provider for your child before service can be rendered. Copays and/or coinsurance must be paid at the time of the visit. Please update us with any changes in address or phone number at each visit.
Please call to cancel or reschedule appointments at least 24 hours in advance. We ask you this courtesy so that we may be able to schedule other sick children.